ELANTAS with its extensive product range and knowledge of the respective end uses is a solution provider for a wide and varied range of industrial applications for example, but not limited to, Foundries; Mining; Construction; Telecommunication; Water Purification etc.
ELANTAS with its varied range of resin technologies focusses on protecting electrical and electronic components, non-electrical technical solutions for the composite and tooling market as well as adhesives and sealing products for many industrial applications. Whether the applications are within the traditional and developing electrical market as in motors, generators, transformers or are for use in lighting, piping, cabling, power tools etc. ELANTAS will provide you with the most appropriate and customized resin solution.
ELANTAS resin technologies deliver general protection against electrical and thermal stress, vibrational or mechanical impact and environmental exposure. Typical products types for such industrial applications within the ELANTAS portfolio are wire enamels, impregnating resins and varnishes, potting and casting compounds, flexible insulation film and flexible electronic substrates along with adhesives and conformal coatings.
Please find more details about our offerings in the specific product segments or contact our local representatives.